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Problema al pasar texto o numero de esp8266 a nextion 2.4

5 años 3 meses antes #1732 por Jose Luis
En el canal de youtube ( cambatronics online ) hay un video dedicado exclusivamente a adaptar las librerias para trabajar con arduino uno.
5 años 3 meses antes #1734 por helius
Nuevas pruebas.... atendiendo a otro hilo del foro donde entiendo se hace funcionar la nextion usando otros pines como puerto serie usando la libreria software serial, he intentado replicarlo para dejar el puerto serie fisico libre para descartar que sea interferencia en el puerto, pero aun asi no me funciona y no veo que hago mal.
He modificado el ejemplo que acompaña a la libreria para que quede asi:
 * @example CompText.ino
 * @par How to Use
 * This example shows that ,when the "+" component on the Nextion screen is released,
 * the value of text component will plus 1,when the "-" component released ,the value of 
 * text component will minus 1 every time.
 * @author  Wu Pengfei (email:<pengfei.wu@itead.cc>)
 * @date    2015/7/10
 * @updated 2016/12/25 bring HMI up to v0.32 to avoid too old issues
 * @convert by Patrick Martin, no other changes made
 * @copyright 
 * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 ITEAD Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd. \n
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.

#include "Nextion.h"
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
void t0PopCallback(void *ptr);
void b0PopCallback(void *ptr);
void b1PopCallback(void *ptr);
SoftwareSerial nextion(6, 7); // RX, TX
Nextion myNextion(nextion,9600);
 * Declare a text object [page id:0,component id:1, component name: "t0"]. 
NexText t0 = NexText(0, 1, "t0");

 * Declare a button object [page id:0,component id:2, component name: "b0"]. 
NexButton b0 = NexButton(0, 2, "b0");

 * Declare a button object [page id:0,component id:3, component name: "b1"]. 
NexButton b1 = NexButton(0, 3, "b1");

char buffer[100] = {0};

 * Register object t0, b0, b1, to the touch event list.  
NexTouch *nex_listen_list[] = 

 * Text component pop callback function. 
void t0PopCallback(void *ptr)

 * Button0 component pop callback function.
 * In this example,the value of the text component will plus one every time when button0 is released.
void b0PopCallback(void *ptr)
    uint16_t len;
    uint16_t number;

    memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
    t0.getText(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
    number = atoi(buffer);
    number += 1;

    memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
    itoa(number, buffer, 10);

 * Button1 component pop callback function.
 * In this example,the value of the text component will minus one every time when button1 is released.
void b1PopCallback(void *ptr)
    uint16_t len;
    uint16_t number;

    memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
    t0.getText(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
    number = atoi(buffer);
    number -= 1;

    memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
    itoa(number, buffer, 10);

void setup(void)
    /* Set the baudrate which is for debug and communicate with Nextion screen. */

    /* Register the pop event callback function of the current text component. */

    /* Register the pop event callback function of the current button0 component. */

    /* Register the pop event callback function of the current button1 component. */

    SerialPrintln("setup done");

void loop(void)
     * When a pop or push event occured every time, 
     * the corresponding component[right page id and component id] in touch event list will be asked.

La cabecera NexConfig.h la he modificado para que no utilice puerto debug y dejando el puerto fisico que usa la libreria como serial2.
El NexConfig.h queda asi:
 * @file NexConfig.h
 * Options for user can be found here. 
 * @author  Wu Pengfei (email:<pengfei.wu@itead.cc>)
 * @date    2015/8/13
 * @copyright 
 * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 ITEAD Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd. \n
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#ifndef __NEXCONFIG_H__
#define __NEXCONFIG_H__

 * @addtogroup Configuration 
 * @{ 

 * Define DEBUG_SERIAL_ENABLE to enable debug serial. 
 * Comment it to disable debug serial. 

 * Define dbSerial for the output of debug messages. 
#define dbSerial Serial

 * Define nexSerial for communicate with Nextion touch panel. 
#define nexSerial Serial2

#define dbSerialPrint(a)    dbSerial.print(a)
#define dbSerialPrintln(a)  dbSerial.println(a)
#define dbSerialBegin(a)    dbSerial.begin(a)
#define dbSerialPrint(a)    do{}while(0)
#define dbSerialPrintln(a)  do{}while(0)
#define dbSerialBegin(a)    do{}while(0)

 * @}

#endif /* #ifndef __NEXCONFIG_H__ */

El error que me devuelve el compilador es:
C:\Users\Jose\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_modified_sketch_768025\CompText_v0_32.ino: In function 'void setup()':

CompText_v0_32:115:5: error: 'myNextion' was not declared in this scope



CompText_v0_32:126:31: error: 'SerialPrintln' was not declared in this scope

     SerialPrintln("setup done");

exit status 1
'Nextion' does not name a type

He usado tanto mi wemos d1 como mi arduino uno con identico resultado. Ambos tienen un unico puerto serie fisico.
Es factible lo que intento hacer o estoy obligado a usar un arduino que tenga dos puertos seriales fisicos??
5 años 3 meses antes #1735 por helius
Pues me has dado la solucion antes de que pusiera los codigos jeje.
Me quito el sombrero, muchas gracias Jose Luis ya lo tengo funcionando, aunque en la salida debug sigue dando error,
22:22:02.896 -> b0PopCallback
22:22:02.896 -> recvRetString[2,50]
22:22:02.998 -> recvRetCommandFinished err

pero ya la pantalla refresca la información que en realidad es lo que necesitaba.

Dejo por aqui los codigos que al fin y al cabo es lo que explicas en tu video, por si a alguien que use wemos puede servirle. Decir que uso los pines D6 y D7 para la nextion que corresponden con el gpio 12 y 13 del wemos.

Codigo arduino:
 * @example CompText.ino
 * @par How to Use
 * This example shows that ,when the "+" component on the Nextion screen is released,
 * the value of text component will plus 1,when the "-" component released ,the value of 
 * text component will minus 1 every time.
 * @author  Wu Pengfei (email:<pengfei.wu@itead.cc>)
 * @date    2015/7/10
 * @updated 2016/12/25 bring HMI up to v0.32 to avoid too old issues
 * @convert by Patrick Martin, no other changes made
 * @copyright 
 * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 ITEAD Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd. \n
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.

#include "Nextion.h"
void t0PopCallback(void *ptr);
void b0PopCallback(void *ptr);
void b1PopCallback(void *ptr);

#define TX 12
#define RX 13
SoftwareSerial NextionSerial(RX,TX); // RX, TX
 * Declare a text object [page id:0,component id:1, component name: "t0"]. 
NexText t0 = NexText(0, 1, "t0");

 * Declare a button object [page id:0,component id:2, component name: "b0"]. 
NexButton b0 = NexButton(0, 2, "b0");

 * Declare a button object [page id:0,component id:3, component name: "b1"]. 
NexButton b1 = NexButton(0, 3, "b1");

char buffer[100] = {0};

 * Register object t0, b0, b1, to the touch event list.  
NexTouch *nex_listen_list[] = 

 * Text component pop callback function. 
void t0PopCallback(void *ptr)

 * Button0 component pop callback function.
 * In this example,the value of the text component will plus one every time when button0 is released.
void b0PopCallback(void *ptr)
    uint16_t len;
    uint16_t number;

    memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
    t0.getText(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
    number = atoi(buffer);
    number += 1;

    memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
    itoa(number, buffer, 10);

 * Button1 component pop callback function.
 * In this example,the value of the text component will minus one every time when button1 is released.
void b1PopCallback(void *ptr)
    uint16_t len;
    uint16_t number;

    memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
    t0.getText(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
    number = atoi(buffer);
    number -= 1;

    memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
    itoa(number, buffer, 10);

void setup(void)
    /* Set the baudrate which is for debug and communicate with Nextion screen. */

    /* Register the pop event callback function of the current text component. */

    /* Register the pop event callback function of the current button0 component. */

    /* Register the pop event callback function of the current button1 component. */

    dbSerialPrintln("setup done");

void loop(void)
     * When a pop or push event occured every time, 
     * the corresponding component[right page id and component id] in touch event list will be asked.

codigo NexConfig.h
 * @file NexConfig.h
 * Options for user can be found here. 
 * @author  Wu Pengfei (email:<pengfei.wu@itead.cc>)
 * @date    2015/8/13
 * @copyright 
 * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 ITEAD Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd. \n
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#ifndef __NEXCONFIG_H__
#define __NEXCONFIG_H__

 * @addtogroup Configuration 
 * @{ 

 * Define DEBUG_SERIAL_ENABLE to enable debug serial. 
 * Comment it to disable debug serial. 

 * Define dbSerial for the output of debug messages. 
#define dbSerial Serial

 * Define nexSerial for communicate with Nextion touch panel. 
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
extern SoftwareSerial NextionSerial;
#define nexSerial NextionSerial

#define dbSerialPrint(a)    dbSerial.print(a)
#define dbSerialPrintln(a)  dbSerial.println(a)
#define dbSerialBegin(a)    dbSerial.begin(a)
#define dbSerialPrint(a)    do{}while(0)
#define dbSerialPrintln(a)  do{}while(0)
#define dbSerialBegin(a)    do{}while(0)

 * @}

#endif /* #ifndef __NEXCONFIG_H__ */

Gracias de nuevo!
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Gracias a Foro Kunena